This workshop is ideally for birthers and their supports (souse/partner/friend/parent/birth supporter but can be done alone if necessary) to empower and educate through all the stages of labour and postpartum and empowering partners by having them know what to expect and what their roles should be.

The birth experience is a monumental one. One that will be revisited over and over and over again. It's not just about a healthy baby, it's about parents who can step into this new role connected, stronger together with stable foundations to build on.

The workshop covers:
- Anatomy and physiology of birth
- Coping strategies and pain management
- Partner support strategies and expectations
- Medical interventions and complications
- Preparing for parenthood
- Postpartum care and newborn essentials
- Breastfeeding tips and early newborn care

The course will be held online over one Sunday 10am until 4pm. The first half of the day will be mostly theory, there will be a break for lunch, and the afternoon will be more practical focused.

Workshops will be hosted bi-monthly.

The cost is for one individual or one couple.

Labour Management & Partner Support Workshop

Sunday February 23rd: 10am-4pm
Sunday April 27th: 10am-4pm
Sunday June 29th: 10am-4pm

Online via Zoom

Full workshop fee: $150 per couple or individual

To register:
Click the below button to secure your spot in the workshop. I’ll send out a welcome email with more details before we start! (Please check your junk box, sometimes they end up there)

Payment plans available upon request

Have questions? Get in touch.